5 Feet of Fury

My first e-book is now available

Yep, I’m serious. Here it is:

I’ve collected some of my best blog posts and newspaper columns into Acoustic Ladyland: Kathy Shaidle Unplugged.

Read about everything from my escape from the Left, to the day I (voluntarily) stuck a lit candle in my ear.

In between, I write about Tammy Faye Bakker, Ronald Reagan, cellulite, Mary Magdalene, Judge Judy, what I learned at Catholic school, and what happens to used cadavers at U of T (warning: it involves bagpipes…)

Why an e-book?

Well, the chances of me ever publishing a “real” book again are pretty slim. E-book-ing lets me control everything and keep most of the revenue (instead of the 7% or so most “real” authors get in royalties).

This format also provides readers with instant gratification. You download the book immediately and can print it out, or just read it on your computer. You can even pass the PDF around to friends as an email attachment (although obviously I’d love it if they bought their own copies!)

To get this experiment rolling, I’m offering Acoustic Ladyland at only $9.95 for the next 10 days.

After that, I’m bumping it up to $12.95. So if you take a chance on this new project from now until Friday, January 11, you’ll get the book at a special low introductory price (y’all know I’m a copywriter, too, eh?)

You can get a free preview chapter here, by clicking on the “Preview This Item” button.

Hope you’ll wish me luck with this foray into a new kind of publishing.

Please send me your feedback, good or bad. I mean that. If you run into any problems with ordering or downloading, tell me and I’ll get right on it. I’m at kshaidle – AT – rogers.com. Like I say, I’ve never sold an e-book before…

If you like this blog, I think you’ll really enjoy Acoustic Ladyland. Hope you’ll check it out!