5 Feet of Fury

George Jonas condemns Human Rights Commissions

Maclean’s and Steyn may be big enough for the Dragon to choke on, which would be a blessing. The liberticidal monster should have been strangled at birth — but better late than never.

“By now Human Rights Commissions are populated with officials who speak disparagingly of ‘fundamentalist liberals’ and describe free speech as an ‘American idea’ with no weight in this country. They’re dragging magazine and writer into their rank dragon’s den for allegedly suggesting that Islamic culture is incompatible with Canada’s liberalized, Western civilization.

“By doing so, they prove Melanie Phillip’s point about the hand on the light switch.

“‘If any culture is incompatible with liberalised western civilisation, it is clearly Canada’s,‘ offers the author of Londonistan. I’m afraid she’s right — assuming, that is, that there’s still such a thing as a liberalized western civilization. Perhaps what we should say is that a liberalized western civilization is becoming incompatible with itself.”