5 Feet of Fury

See. Told ya.

As. I’ve. Been. Saying. All. Along. (free of charge, and without benefit of a university education, never mind a law degree):

“First, as I understand the law (at least according to the high-priced advice of my hotshot QC), it is not possible to be in ‘contempt of court’ in regard to one of these Human Rights Commissions.

And, even if it was, along with George Jonas and David Warren and other sane observers, I have been opposed to the HRCs in principle my entire adult life and a two-minute Lexis Nexis search will turn up any number of quotes. So if contempt for the process is likely to increase ‘the Tribunal’s sympathy’ to the complainants, it’s way too late.

“Second, it’s worth considering the logic of that lawyer’s advice. He’s saying that, if we make nice, we might get a fair trial and be acquitted. Sorry, that would be the worst possible outcome. It would legitimate the process, and the usual pussies at The Toronto Star et al would say: See, it proves there’s no threat to freedom of speech from the HRC shtick. After all, if a notorious hatemonger like Steyn can get a fair shake, what’s the problem?”

Read the whole thing.




I could make way more money smacking wimpy guys’ butts all day offline, and get to wear cooler outfits in the bargain.

Hell, people should just send me money for being so ****ing awesome.

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