5 Feet of Fury

“Why Muslims can’t debate”: our readers write

RE: this post, Caine responds:

“Love your blog.  Everytime I order something through Amazon (alas, not much but when I can) I click on it through your site.  I am demanding my kids do the same (which will probably add up to more eventually).

“In any case, I just have two comments on your post Why Can’t Muslims debate.

“‘Muslims are the first immigrant group ever to come to a new country with a ready-made societal model that many believe it is their divine duty to work to implement’

“Actually, the Pilgrims had a pretty solid plan of implementing their version of the Kingdom of God on American soil. A fact for which we, America and Canada, are still working off of that wonderful capital of social culture they planted over 300 years ago. Unfortunately, that capital is being exhausted today with nothing solid to replace it; hence, our inability to figure out how to handle a group of people without that very same foundation.

“‘Note too the story he tells about Mohammed. He ordered a woman to be stoned to death for committing adultery. We all know what Jesus did in the same situation. That difference alone proves Christianity’s superiority to Islam.’

“Actually, the Muslim — again because he is not working off of that same foundational culture of the Pilgrims — would say that statement proves the superiority of Islam over Christianity.  Forgiveness on that order — especially of women — is an affront to their God; not a part of His nature.  For them, it is a sign of weakness to put Life above Law; Mercy before Justice; and forgiveness before revenge.

“Their definition of Mercy is Allah treats you as you deserve; Christianity’s is that God forgives and treats you much better than you deserve—to the point of giving up his own Son. I know such a life is superior — and even the Muslim is ‘living off that capital.’  If the West did not have even the meager foundations of Christianity to influence their decision, Mecca would have been a burning hole in the ground one day after 9/11.  Sometimes I hang on to that belief by a thread.

“Islam better pray that American never becomes a Muslim nation. The fact that it is not is the only reason their homelands still exist.”

 Another reader writes:

“One does not debate with people who have no language skills, any more than grownups ‘debate’ with children.

“One controls children by force, or they control you and later grow up to become chavs and hoodies.

“A rule that we forgot in the 1970’s.

“It’s interesting he talks about grammar:

“Here’s a post I did on the need for grammar in any civilized society.”