5 Feet of Fury

Let’s try getting all these stories into one post today

(Allow me to offer another racy photo of a cheerleader to stay on your good side. If only Hugh Hewitt would do that every time he posted about Romney, wot?)

* “And no, he’s not Jewish…”

“Free Steyn” says NRO.

* Mark Steyn/Maclean’s support button for your blog

* Abolish the Human Rights Commissions 

* Robert Spencer:

“There is no indication that the CHRC has done a thing to investigate the possibility that some Muslims in Canada might hold the views of Mullah Krekar, Qaddafi, Boumédienne, Qaradhawi and Sheikh Muhammad. When the CIC’s President Mohamed Elmasry said in 2004 that all Israelis over age eighteen were legitimate targets, the CHRC took no action. But Elmasry, you see, is part of a protected victim class.

* Here’s a letter one of my readers sent to the PM:

Mister Prime Minister —
You must intervene in order to prevent the human rights commission complaints against Maclean’s Magazine and Mark Steyn from ever coming to a hearing.
Whether such a hearing would prove to be fair and impartial is irrelevant.  The process is the punishment.  Canada will be internationally humiliated if it allows publicly-funded attacks on freedom of expression to become a national institution.
I hope Maclean’s and Steyn will refuse to cooperate.  Imagine Maclean’s being hounded into bankruptcy for defending freedom of the press.  Imagine Steyn holed up in New Hampshire like Victor Hugo in Guernesey.
Take a stand, Mister Prime Minister.