5 Feet of Fury

Julie Burchill: “Why I love Tesco”

“One of the lowest blows used by the enemies of supermarkets is that old people, especially, feel frightened and alienated by them. This argument drives me mad: a) what an ignorant and condescending view of a generation who faced Hitler (a man who actually wanted to ban chain stores and give back the power to the small shopkeeper, fact fans!) and have more spirit in their little toes than we do in our entire scaredy-cat, food-intolerance-ridden bodies…”

Which reminds me: once again we have a prissy little (why are they always “male”?) scold invoking Godwin’s Law (not even correctly) in someone else’s comments. 

Having already come up with a name for Brooks’ Law (alas, not the law itself), I figured it was finally time for Shaidle’s Law, to whit:

“The first person to invoke Godwin’s Law on an internet thread reveals himself to be a boring, masturbatory pest and thereby forfeits the argument.”