5 Feet of Fury

Canada: demand for gay “marriage” was based on a lie

“It turns out, however, according to recently released statistics, that pledging their love by legal marriage is not high on the agenda for homosexuals. Recently released federal figures from Statistics Canada indicate that less then 5% of homosexual Canadians have bothered to marry since same-sex marriage was legalized in 2005.

Why? Let a gay journalist explain:

“I don’t expect the wedding rate will pick up. We have something better in our relationships, something that allows for a variety of friendships, f… buddies, lovers, sisters and exes. We don’t put all the pressures on one person …”

“We don’t need the limitations of marriage. So we’re taking a pass.”

In other words: “gay culture enshrines slut-itude, and most homosexuals were never interested in monogamy anyhow.”

Which is what I said about the gay “marriage” fight since day one. But then I’m just a troglodyte homophobe…