“The police found Bruce’s guns in a hidden room in the family house. The state prosecutor (I won’t say ‘Crown prosecutor,’ in order not to sully the Crown), who would obviously do anything to earn a living, is quoted as saying, in his closing argument, ‘It’s not normal to build secret rooms.’
“This deep reflection reminded me of the Nazis’ 1938 ban against attic storage which Professor Robert Proctor mentions in his book, The Nazi War on Cancer It is not normal to hide things from the state.
“The way things are going, we will end up in a society like the Village in Patrick McGoohan’s famous TV series The Prisoner (now available in DVD): everybody doing only normal things, being nice and cheerful, playing obediently any game imposed by the authorities, and with nothing to hide.
“We will be a nation of licence holders.”
(No wonder we’re drinking so much… )