5 Feet of Fury

David Warren on Canada’s Human “Rights” Commissions

“After long delays that are costly only to the defendant and the taxpayer (and justice delayed is justice denied), you will have the satisfaction of making your enemy squirm, in a kangaroo court where he is stripped of the right to due process, in which there are no fixed rules of evidence, in which the ridiculously biased ‘judges’ make up the law as they go along, and impose penalties restricted only by their grimly limited imaginations — such as ruinous fines, and lifetime ‘cease and desist’ orders, such that, if you ever open your mouth again on a given topic, you stand to go to prison.


“it must be said that he and his colleagues simply weren’t listening when I and mine explained, decades ago, why this would be their inevitable effect. I think back, for instance, to the dismissals we received when I published Ian Hunter’s important article, ‘What’s Wrong with Human Rights,’ in the Idler magazine of April 1985.

“Everything that has happened since has confirmed our darkest predictions.

“Including the darkest of those predictions: that intellectuals and the Canadian media simply would not care about defending even their own freedom. They would see it as a Left-Right issue, and being overwhelmingly people of the Left themselves, would actually approve the stifling of ‘racists’ and ‘misogynists’ and ‘born again crazies.’


“It should also be said that people of the Right, who should have known better, also didn’t care. I have several quite plausibly rightwing friends who did not hesitate to use the new ‘human rights’ machinery to lodge complaints about vicious attacks in the media on themselves, on Christians and conservatives generally, and especially on Catholics and the Catholic Church. Their complaints were invariably dismissed by the tribunals on sight, and yet by making them they contributed to legitimizing the process by which free speech could be ‘reviewed,’ as a matter of course, by their most deadly enemies.”