5 Feet of Fury

Public mockery, rudeness and satire get results once again

Ridiculed the world over for dismissing the murder of a Muslim girl by her Muslim father for refusing to wear a Muslim scarf as a “teenager issue” — “Rebel Without a Burqa”? — Mohammed Elmasry’s gang issues a new press release with lots of nicer sounding stuff in it.

Note that no one, to my knowledge, threatened to take El-Mo and Co. before a Human Rights Commission for hurting the feelings of infidels, women or teenagers.

We simply exercised our literally God-given right to make him look like a twit, threatened to shun him and his sympathizers, and followed him around (virtually) chiding, a la NOTLD, “We coming to get you, El-Mo…”

And we made him play Cover Your Ass in around 24 hours.

Congratulations to my fellow non-wimps everywhere.

I still don’t trust a word he says, but who cares? Some kid will get $3000 out of this. True, the last thing Canada needs is another social worker, Muslim or otherwise, but this is not nothing.