“How did it come about in one of the oldest settled democracies in the world that government agencies were given powers to require a ‘free’ press to justify the ‘intent’ behind a particular article?
“Also of note, Grievance #16 on page 6:
The number of Muslims in Europe is expanding like “mosquitoes”.
“Either Dr Elmasry is making the same mistake as Jim Henley and attributing to me the words of Mullah Krekar, or he believes that it’s ‘Islamophobic’ to quote accurately leading European Muslims.
“To be honest, I don’t mind which it is. I’m happy for the good doctor to be as Judeophobic and homophobic and Steynophobic as he wants. I’m just concerned to maintain a level playing field for all phobias, and the biggest obstacle to that are these cockamamie Human Rights Commissions which are an abomination to any free society.”
(PS: petition below)