5 Feet of Fury

Think of it as the un-bigotry of high expectations

From our “but being mean will only make the problem worse” file:

As usual, the Muslim Canadian Congress (never to be confused with the Canadian Idiotic Congress of Crybaby Censors) gets it and sends out a press release, double time:

If convicted, Aqsa’s father and brother must be awarded the strictest penalty available under the law. As for the imams and clergy of Canada’s mosques, who constantly berate young women for not wearing the hijab or snub them for “violating Islam,” they need to reflect on the consequences of their sermons.

Consider, as an example, the Montreal mosque that recently posted on its Web site a warning to the effect that if young girls took off their hijab, they could end up getting raped and having “illegitimate children.” Other proferred risks included “Stresses, insecurity and suspicion in the minds of husbands” and “instigating young people to deviate towards the path of lust.”

As if the threat of rape and the fear of illegitimate children were not enough, these pre-teen girls were told that if they took off their hijab, they would cease to be Muslims: “By removing your hijab, you have destroyed your faith. Islam means submission to Allah in all our actions.” Little wonder then, that Canadian girls walk away from sports tournaments rather than remove their hijabs.

Muslims need to stand up to this sort of emotional and religious blackmail by imams who spread the competing agendas of Saudi Arabia and Iran into Canada. Young Aqsa Pervez’s death cannot be reversed. But in her memory, we can at least challenge those whose message leads to rage and madness.

But when I say it, I’m a bigot. I guess these guys are “self-hating Muslims” then. Or something. You’ll have to forgive my confusion about who is who and what is what as of 11:32 AM EST, but I lost my Left Wing Canadian Decoder Ring two moves ago, along with my “Question Authority” button and my army surplus knapsack…