5 Feet of Fury

“Today’s Racist Post” by someone other than me

(From our bulging “So, your point is…?” file:)

“Forty-four percent of Hispanics and 47 percent of Asians are ‘afraid of African-Americans because they are responsible for most of the crime,’ the survey of 1,105 adults drawn from the three ethnic groups showed.

“More than half of black Americans polled and 46 percent of Hispanics said Asian business owners do not treat them with respect. [ed. see ‘commit most of the crime’ above…]

“And half of African-Americans said Latin American immigrants ‘are taking jobs, housing and political power away from the black community.’

“Hispanics and Asians, whose populations are made up mainly of immigrants, were positive about the American dream, saying that those who work hard in the United States reap the rewards of their toil.”

(PS: “…there is a major disjunction in American public discourse between the relatively wide latitude you are allowed if you claim to be engaged in ‘observational comedy’ and the much more limited set of facts you are permitted to use when seriously analyzing how the world works. That’s a big reason America has better  comedy than public policy…”