“This might explain why this Christina Hendrix bitch is dead, If I had to hang around idiots like that, I’d fucking die too.
“Yeah, I said that, I meant ever fucking word of it.”
To which the widower Hendrix replies (among other things):
“This waste of (a lot of) flabby flesh has crossed a line I take very seriously, and now it won’t be over until I say it is. Oh, and for further background: Chucktard is a fat pussy who lives in Detroit with his Mommy and Daddy, and hasn’t worked since 2003 because mean old George Bush won’t let poor widdle Chucky-Ducky get a job. It’s all readily available on his lonely little website, which you can go dig up for yourselves.”
Spend some time on Rabble.ca. Check out the guys who post threats to rape me on the web, then accused a friend of mine of being an incestuous child molester. Ever read Michelle Malkin’s hate mail, with its “Phillipina hooker” “jokes”?
Leftists one and all, just like Fat Loser Boy.
And these are the exact folks who think I’m all mean and nasty and “insensitive” and “inappropriate”.
Thank God I quit the Left years back. They make me look like Florence Nightengale on Ecstasy. It seems incredible, but I’m actually too nice to fit in with them anymore.