5 Feet of Fury

David Warren on Steyn and those crazy Muslims

“I make this hard point because it is necessary to understand. ‘Freedom of expression’ did not develop in the West from purely idealistic motives. Nor is it necessarily a pretty thing. Like so much in civil society, we put up with it because the alternative is worse, and we’d rather cope with free speech, than with the free intimidation that results from its suppression.


“That not all Muslims agree, has been made clear by members of the Muslim Canadian Congress, who have entered the fray in defence of Steyn and Maclean’s. But that is a tactical side issue.

“For more than twenty years, in this column and elsewhere, I have been writing against the human rights commissions, which have quasi-legal powers that should be offensive to the citizens of any free country. They are kangaroo courts, in which the defendant’s right to due process is withdrawn. They reach judgements on the basis of no fixed law. Moreover, ‘the process is the punishment’ in these star chambers — for simply by agreeing to hear a case, they tie up the defendant in bureaucracy and paperwork, and bleed him for the cost of lawyers, while the person who brings the complaint, however frivolous, stands to lose nothing.

“My hope is that this case against Mark Steyn and Maclean’s will be fruitful. It will be, if it inspires enough people — especially journalists, of all political persuasions — to express outrage at what has been done; and inspires Canada’s free citizens into the necessary political action to put an end to the human rights commissions themselves. The worst possible result, is if the case fails to produce this response.”

By the way, could someone who actually still reads them tell me if any of the wimpy, careerist Canadian “conservative” (male) blogosphere has addressed the HRC issue lately?

Or would that prevent them from getting those crappy Party or media jobs they crave?