5 Feet of Fury

Ayaan Hirsi Ali on those silent “moderate” Muslims

“It is often said that Islam has been ‘hijacked’ by a small extremist group of radical fundamentalists. The vast majority of Muslims are said to be moderates.

“But where are the moderates? Where are the Muslim voices raised over the terrible injustice of incidents like these? How many Muslims are willing to stand up and say, in the case of the girl from Qatif, that this manner of justice is appalling, brutal and bigoted — and that no matter who said it was the right thing to do, and how long ago it was said, this should no longer be done?


“But while the incidents in Saudi Arabia, Sudan and India have done more to damage the image of Islamic justice than a dozen cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad, the organizations that lined up to protest the hideous Danish offense to Islam are quiet now.


“If moderate Muslims believe there should be no compassion shown to the girl from Qatif, then what exactly makes them so moderate?

“When a ‘moderate’ Muslim’s sense of compassion and conscience collides with matters prescribed by Allah, he should choose compassion. Unless that happens much more widely, a moderate Islam will remain wishful thinking.”