5 Feet of Fury

Stupid Canadian Muslims vs Smart Canadian Muslims re: Mark Steyn

“I felt personally victimized,” whines moron asshat.

Hey, guess what — I felt personally victimized by this.

I felt “hatred and contempt” FROM Muslims after that.

So: where do I go to complain? At taxpayers’ expense, no less. Planning to send me a cheque or apology, Canadian Islamic Congress? Thought not.

“There are limits on freedom of expression,” says idiot Muslim #2.

What? I can’t tell you to “fuck off and die” then? Drats.

Thanks be to the non-retards at the Canadian Muslim Congress for lowering my dangerously high piss-off level this afternoon:

“This is Canada, not Sudan, Egypt or Pakistan, where the press is stifled,” he said. “There is absolute freedom of expression and people have an opportunity to voice their opinion.”

Alan Borovoy of the Canadian Civil Liberties Association said the organization is concerned about the human rights complaints process.

It’s too easy to claim an article may subject a group to hate or contempt under commission rules, Borovoy said.

Even truthful articles describing some of the awful situations in this world could run afoul of this law, it is so broad and such a potential threat to freedom of speech,” he said.


Be sure to tell your MP and Prime Minister Harper that it is time to abolish the taxpayer-funded harrassment & censorship bureau called the Human Rights Commission.

PS: Kate has a clever idea — why not take out a subscription to Macleans? Canadians click here.

Americans (especially Mark Steyn fans) with deep pockets and a sense of humor about President Bush magazine covers, click here