5 Feet of Fury

Close (non-orgasmic) encounters with Dick Cheney

In response to this, a reader writes:

“…one of my good customers was the realtor who sold him his house and then sold it for him when he became VP.  She told me that he and his wife were some of the nicest clients she had ever worked with.

“His only concern about the house was the kitchen since he loves to cook and it that met his criteria; his wife made all of the other choices about the home.  The realtor also said that Cheney has a marvelous sense of humor which permeated every part of the buying and later the selling of the home.

“A final bit of info was that when the home was being sold they used an appraiser who is kind of high strung and he moves fast when he appraises a home.  The first part of the appraisal process is taking a little stick thing with a wheel on it and running it around the outside of the home to get an accurate measurement of the perimeter.

“This was after the election and the Cheney’s were at home here in Dallas when the appraiser pulled up in his car, he jumped out of the car with his measuring thingy and run up to the house to start the measurement and he was tackled and pinned down by the secret service men who thought they had a nutjob trying to cause harm to the newly elected VP.  It caused a bit of a stir and it scared the hell out of the appraiser who had not connected the seller’s name to the Cheney’s.

“I have met quite a few people who know the VP and I have never heard anything but compliments about him and the way he treats people.”