5 Feet of Fury

Canadian Muslims hit new low in sheer stupidity, keep digging (with taxpayers’ shovels)

Completely misunderstand basic civilizational concepts like “democracy” and “private property.”

In response to the article [by Mark Steyn] several law students met with editors Kenneth Whyte and Mark Stevenson and proposed that Maclean’s publish a response. In response, Mr. Whyte indicated that Maclean’s would rather go bankrupt than allow a response to the article.

Khurrum Awan, one of the complainants and a recent graduate of Osgoode Hall, stated: “We made the mistake of believing that, as citizens of a democratic society that values debate, we would have an opportunity to respond to this article”.

Muneeza Sheikh, also an Osgoode graduate, agreed: “we found Macleans response totally contrary to open debate”. Naseem Mithoowani, a law student, stated: “Having exhausted every avenue, we chose to pursue our rights as Canadian citizens to bring this matter to the attention of the Canadian public.”

Hey, here’s a plan, you little crybaby parasites: start your own damn magazine. (Like  Lt. Col. John Maclean did back in 1905, when your great-grandparents were still wiping their butts with their bare hands.)

Of course, that would require imagination, brains and hard work. Better to just be bloodsuckers, as usual.

Is this the only response Muslims can possibly think of when their itty bitty feewings are hurt — rioting, suing, making up fake “hate crimes”, asking to “meet with the publishers” (who should never have agreed to the meeting in the first place, Whyte’s fine response to these losers aside)?

Does it ever occur to aggreived Western Muslims — supposedly the “moderate” ones — to do something that doesn’t reinforce their sense of self-imposed victimhood, and their status in the eyes of their fellow citizens as touchy little bullies?

And what public relations geniuses Muslims prove to be once again, huh? — going ahead with this press conference and HRC complaint when the “Mohammed Teddy” story is all over the news.

What leeches. Our tax dollars no doubt helped pay their tuition, and their professors’ salaries, and this is what we get in return.

It really is past time for someone to take the Canadian Islamic Congress to the HRC because the Koran is full of “infidelaphobia”.

Meanwhile, tell your MP what you think of these extra-legal kangaroo courts of political correctness called Human Rights Commissions.

Ask Prime Minister Harper what he plans to do about tax payer dollars being used to ruin Canadian citizens who express “incorrect” views.

Ask him why Canada doesn’t set up Bureaus of Insensitivity Training instead, where we can teach crybabies to man up?

Be warned: the Canadian Thought Control Police could come for you next.