5 Feet of Fury

“If you turn the skull of a white male sideways, it’s almost like a truck hit it”

Forensic artist Lois Gibson will be eating lunch alone for a while, having told CNN that, among other things, black people really do have “whiter, brighter” teeth.

Sailer (who else?) undertakes the thankless job of pondering the blatantly obvious so you can keep living in your fantasy world:

“…I gather there are many hours per week of shows like the various CSIs devoted to forensic medical investigations. Surely, watching these kind of police procedurals imparts the knowledge that race and sex are the first thing forensic scientists figure out from looking at skeletons, right?

“So, how can the popular ‘race is just skin deep’ myth survive? Do most people just compartmentalize their knowledge and never draw connections between the various facts they know? I’m really baffled by how people can fail to notice things like this.”