5 Feet of Fury

“I wonder if you know what it is like to ‘date’ these days?” she asked…

‘Every time I have gone out with a guy, within two hours, he either bluntly or circumspectly asks when we are going to have sex. Some of them even want details about how “adventurous” I might be,’ she continued.

“I have this information not only from Priscilla. I have it from almost every young, unmarried woman I know — and I’m a Catholic myself, so I know quite a few of them.

“‘When one explains that one will not be sleeping with the “gentleman,” there is shock. Now, you would think I’d just be dumped at that point, but I become an oddity, something they can’t quite believe. So they keep coming back, in amazement. Sometimes, they keep emailing and calling for “moral guidance” with their other “relationships.” Or perhaps it’s guilt, some latent awareness that they are cads, that keeps them asking me out to dinner “as a friend” — at least, until they find someone who WILL sleep with them.'”