5 Feet of Fury

“I follow fire trucks”: RightWingTrash remembers The Bullys

“Their debut album was Stomposition, and it was a pretty big deal on the local level. A lot of folks were surprised to hear anything that great coming out of the NYC punk scene. We were especially pleased to hear ‘I’m A Boy,’ with lyrics that would make Moby turn as green as his tea:

I like the sound of electric guitars/And the speed of a racing car/I spit into the air/Put chewing gum in a little girl’s hair/I blow up G.I. Joes/I think that homework blows/I follow fire trucks/I hate to listen to a band that sucks/I’m a boy/And I like getting dirty…


“The Bullys sang about being a boy, but most of their songs were written by a good man — specifically, guitarist Johnny Heffernan. He liked to follow fire trucks to the extent that he’d grown up to be a New York City firefighter. We lost him on September 11, 2001.”