5 Feet of Fury

Howard Dean: there are no bars in heaven. (Just bike paths.)

Oh wait: “There are no bars TO heaven for anybody,” declares Expert Theologian Howard Dean, who adds “this country is not a theocracy.” Whew!

Even a few second’s (mature) thought leads to the conclusion that, nice as the concept sounds initially, an all-inclusive heaven is an unjust heaven, because the evil and the good receive the same reward.

Which, come to think of it, is basically the Democratic Party platform. Never mind…

Writes Emily:

“Okay, so what he’s really doing is telling a room full of people that if they go ahead and support Republicans again, they’ll end up second-class citizens to a Theocracy, oppressed and forced to undergo religious indoctrination in their public schools, at sporting events and probably via implanted chip. Oddly enough, he’s doing it with an eye to an Establishment Clause violation. We wonder if he knows that Separation of Church and State expressly (and actually) forbids government from making any official declarations on religion? The Democratic Party can’t say it will get you into Heaven… after all, thats implicitly ratifying the concept of Heaven, right? And that’s recognition of official state religion, right?

“Being familiar with the First Amendment is a fantastic thing sometimes.”