5 Feet of Fury

Please help support the Catholic Educator’s Resource Centre

This site is an invaluable resource.

Every week it brings you the very best conservative Catholic essays and op-eds from Canada and the US, by some of the finest writers around. Reading CERC’s selections will boost your brain power and morale, and feed your soul, too.

This labour of love is a one-man effort, and it is now in jeopardy.

A monthly donation is painless, believe me. Or consider a one-time gift in the spirit of Advent, which is right around the corner. (You can give in US or Canadian funds,

Please remember, too, that nothing on the internet (or anywhere else) is really free. Christians are notoriously stingy when it comes to supporing their magazines, newspapers and now, websites. I worked in Catholic publishing for years and never got over the countless bold faced requests for free subscriptions and “review copies” we got from other Catholics of means.

Don’t be one of those people.

Site proprieter J. Fraser Field writes:

Following my appeal on Thursday ten people, out of many thousands, sent in donations totalling $355.00. One person joined our list of monthly donors.

CERC has been an immense success and I’ve given my heart and soul to it over these ten years, first as a part-time apostolate and then starting in 1999 as a full-time work.

As you may know, we lost half our funding last April and the cupboard is now almost bare. 

And please, we need some corporate or foundation sponsorship. If you would please call those you know who might be able to help and tell them of our need and show them what we are I’m sure we will find the support we need.