5 Feet of Fury

More on that bawling brainwashed Eskimo chick

from yesterday…

CALLER:  When she was doing the crying, I just started laughing.  That town where she’s going to school, I grew up in that town, and they started in on me when I was in high school, too.

RUSH:  That’s St. Michael?

CALLER:  No, no, no. The boarding school she goes to is in Sitka, Alaska.  That was my hometown.

(…) as far as losing their way of life, they have grocery stores like any other small town. If they were losing their way of life, that would probably mean the liquor store was closing.

RUSH:  (laughter) You must have had a very pleasant experience up there.

CALLER:  Let’s just say I am a Texan by choice now. (…) To be perfectly honest, most of those small villages, a lot of people just live off the government and they drink and have babies at 15.  That is what they do.

RUSH:  Live off the government?

CALLER:  Yeah. (…) I was considered weird because I wanted to go to college at 18.