5 Feet of Fury

Bill Cosby gets weird again

There’s always been something creepy about Bill Cosby. He has this weird stoner affect half the time, and the other half, he seems like he’s just about to snap and slap somebody.

I love anyone who tells “poor” people to smarten up, though.

Too bad he slides into stupidhood here.

Here’s what really happened. Clarence Thomas asked Yale Law if his race had anything to do with his acceptance to the school. They assured him it did not. He found out after he graduated that it had.

So he’s supposed to do what now, exactly? Burn his diploma? Join the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters?

Liberals seem to believe in a time machine that let’s you go back and undo everything “bad” you’ve ever done, so you can achieve ideological purity before you dare to opine on any issue.

For instance: because private health care is illegal in Canada, I should have let myself die of lupus rather than get it treated by “free” doctors (who I helped pay for through taxes, but whatever). I’m not allowed to have a negative opinion about Canadian “health” “care” — because I’ve actually used it.

It goes to the weird progressive obsession with “hypocrisy”, which, as I’ve said before, they consider to be a worse sin than the actual sin you committed to earn the designation “hypocrite”.

Of course, this time machine doesn’t exist. But your refusal to step into this (imaginary) machine and go back and screw up your life (but become ideologically pure!) JUST PROVES you are a fascist racist hypocrite, see?

God, they’re bizarre.