5 Feet of Fury

Ann Coulter eats food?!? (Photographic evidence)

“Hateful propagandist and raging faghag/camp icon Ann Coulter has shocked and appalled some HuffPo blogger by, well, existing. And dining at a gay restaurant with all her gay friends in gay West Hollywood,” reports Gawker.

Best comment (from the original post):

I mean come on, how stupid do you people sound with your reverse discrimination? Say you and your BF/date/etc went to a ‘straight’ restaurant and even such a thought was considered by the staff because you are gay.

“Ann Coulter is entiled to eat wherever she wants just as everyone here does. What she does on her political platform may be questionable but its not like she set the place on fire (kind of like the one the gay owners did to Mickey’s, also in West Hollywood).

“If we keep thinking of completley dated concepts of exclusively ‘gay restaurants’ and exclusively ‘gay neighborhoods’ and exclusively ‘gay clientele’ we will continue to be compartmentalized and not able to really be accepted by the mainstream. But then again I can imagine someone who goes only to Elmo and Food Bar not even knowing there is a world outside of 8th and 9th Avenue.”