5 Feet of Fury

Leaving the house was your first mistake

Last night we watched the American Masters show about Charles Shultz. He took an art course by correspondence because he didn’t want to interact with other people. He truly was a genius, just for that. Ideally, that’s how all of life would be conducted. Also, we would all live in Jetson houses with robot maids and eat pills for food.

You think I’m kidding.

Plank’s Constant (re)discovers the sad fact that People Are Stupid. This dawned on me the first day of kindergarten, but I can still be bowled over by their dim wittedness, like he was.

Oh, and he doesn’t like Islam either:

“Even Palestinians teach their children to love Islam despite the fact that it’s a barbaric, primitive, brutal, backward, violent, vengeful, racist, self-destructive piece of shit pseudo-religion.”

I’m telling you, guy: shop online whenever possible.