Also: bullets are teenier than I thought. And I have one week to Sarah Connor my way to passing my gun test.
Boy, are my arms tired. Thank you, Men, for inventing guns with no regard for the weaker sex. Not only do we have little upper body strength, but rifles and shotguns are too long as well as too heavy.
The pump action shotgun was the worst. Your dreams of looking Die Hard cool go poof really fast when, like me, your fingertips can barely reach the pump-part. The instructor showed me an alternative way to fire it, but fire it I must do, next Saturday, unless he can talk the judge into letting me test on a lever action instead. (We don’t really fire these guns — they’ve been “fixed” to do everything but.)
Regardless, I have to be able to use three different rifles/shotguns WITHOUT PUTTING MY FINGER ON THE TRIGGER UNTIL THE VERY LAST SECOND DAMMIT. I didn’t even play with guns as a kid but that’s exactly where my finger goes, automatically. He said to pretend it was a mousetrap, so I will try. Two points off for each screw up like that.
The Lee Harvey Oswald-looking bolt action rifle was actually easier to use than I’d been led to believe after too many years in amateur buff-dom. We got to try a semi-automatic but it won’t be on the test, and neither will the break action (too easy apparently).
Dammit my bloody arm is totally screwed up! Is there something that isn’t your bicep or your tricep, because that is what I’ve messed with. I could barely lift a fork to eat just now. Luckily, Arnie’s mom left behind some no-name Absorbine Jr. so I’m stinking up the place while I wait for the painkillers to kick in.
Last thing before I sign off: in real life, could I get away with something like this, at least until they invent guns for girls? Please? What do girls do in the army?