5 Feet of Fury

Two words: “standard deviation”

The differences between Katrina and California:

“In New Orleans, on the other hand, when the assistance arrived, in effect they found the locals sitting on their hands, whining ‘What took you so long?  Get me out of here!'”

PS: I say the same thing to rich white Malibu residents as I do to the poor blacks in New Orleans — live somewhere else.

If stupid Federal/enviro-nut laws are keeping you from clearing your brush properly in order to prevent future fires — move. Those laws are stupid, but so are you if you keep making the same bad bet with your family and property time and again. Go, and take your bit of the tax base with you.

PPS: notice how many lefties are blaming the fires on global warming and/or Iraq — but not a single conservative (not even Glenn Beck) has blamed Muslim terrorists?