5 Feet of Fury

Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week: Day One

At Tulane University, some 1500 people turned out to hear Ann Coulter give a speech connecting dots between radical Islam and the events of 9/11 [?] and expressing the importance of continuing the War in Iraq. It took 15 police officers and personal security for Ms. Coulter to keep the crowd at bay.

“At the University of Wisconsin-Madison, David Horowitz spoke to 600 students and various members of the community about the oppression of women in Islam and the silence coming from women’s studies departments on America’s campuses regarding this issue. The volatile crowd quieted immediately when Horowitz began his speech by showing an enlarged photograph of a Muslim woman on her knees being shot in the back of the head by Muslim fundamentalists. ‘Everyone in this photograph is a Muslim,’ Horowitz began. ‘There is a helpless victim; there are perpetrators of murder. This photograph is why we’re here tonight…”

Plus: reports on all the flaccid, comical counter-demos at various campuses. Spencer writes:

“So the campus Left is placing itself squarely on the side of those who want to implement the institutionalized oppression of women and religious minorities sanctioned by Islamic Sharia law, who deny the freedom of conscience, and want to impose upon the world a supremacist and totalitarian code.

“Why am I not surprised?”