5 Feet of Fury

Richard Warman sues Free Dominion because commenters called him a “censor”, “dictator” and a “member of the thought police”

UPDATE: someone has set up RichardWarman.com. And it isn’t a fan site… If only Warman had spent less time googling his own name and devoted just 5 minutes to registering it as a domain, huh Richie?


Free Dominion is under attack again — by a “human rights lawyer”, no less. Look, some of the comments he’s suing over are appalling — “cryptojew”?? — but is FD responsible for every crazy comment a third party posts on their message boards?

Is anyone besides Warman googling “Richard Warman” all day and coming up with these messages? Won’t a suit simply increase the number of such posts?

Mark & Connie have reprinted the entire whatyacallit on the site. Here’s the bottom line:

PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT you have spoken words and/or written words and/or published words that contain serious allegations against me, clearly stating among other things to the readers of the website www.freedomion.ca in their plain and ordinary meaning or by virtue of the surrounding circumstances wich give the words a defamatory meaning inferentially or by innuendo, that you are questioning my morality, integrity, and professionalism; that I commit disreputable and unconstitutional acts such as the suppression of free speech; that I am controlled by others; that I have committed criminal acts; that I am a sexual deviant, coward, Nazi and comparable to the Nazi SS, fascist, dictator, member of the human rights Gestapo, and akin to Stalinist political officers; that I laugh at individuals with mental illness; that I abuse public funds; that I am a homosexual and that homosexuality is associated with paedophilia; that I pose a greater danger to society than members of the neo-Nazi movement; that I desire to muzzle Canadians; that I am a legal jackal; and, that I have committed treason. You have defamed and libelled me in my skill, judgment, and/or capacity in my profession.

“Laughing at people with mental illness” is a bad thing?

It would be kind of funny if somebody took the “homosexuality/paedophilia” part and turned the trial into a “Scopes” thing. “Pedophilia”, no. But…  And I thought being gay was cool. If someone called me gay I wouldn’t bother suing.

Interesting post at Free Republic, posted during the last kerfuffle:

“The Canadian Human Rights Commission is out of control. Plain and Simple.

“I am a current victim of Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act, and have been under going a three year legal battle with them, due to a message board I had on my website (www.freedomsite.org) back in 2003. Not a single word I have written is at issue, but rather messages others posted (that I did not even know about) As part of my vigorous defence, I have challenged the Constitutionality of Section 13 (Internet gag law) and Section 54 (fines) of the Canadian Human Rights Act.

“Here is a few statistics from my case that tells the whole story about the CHRC:

Active and Past cases: 43
Cases the tribunal ruled on: 29

• 0% of respondents have ever won a section 13 case before the tribunal.
• 100% of cases have Whites as respondents
• 98% of cases have poor or working class respondents
• 90.7% of respondents are not represented by lawyers
• So far, $80,500 has been awarded in fines and special compensation since May 9, 2003.
• 72.4% of complaints specifically identify “jews” as victims.
48.8% of all cases (Past and active) are by Richard Warman

That’s one guy’s information. I’d love to get confirmation of those numbers.

Anyway: people wonder why I don’t allow comments on this site. One reason is that comments provide a place for people (myself included) to possibly post the kinds of remarks Warman is suing over. I don’t care about Warman’s hurt feelings, or the possibility of “getting in trouble.” But I’d hate wasting my time and money going to court over some anonymous poster’s asinine remarks.

One way concerned Canadians can help FreeDominion is to do the exact opposite of what they’re doing now: stop writing stuff about “fecalphilia” or whatever on someone else’s website, and getting them in trouble, while you act all outraged — then go about your business without having to hire a lawyer.

The web is all about “punk rock”, over the top, uncontrolled rhetoric, and I hate to think that suits like this will force us to tone it down. But they just might.