5 Feet of Fury

The perfect argument for conservativism:

Compassionate, enlightened progressive “Mr. Hyde” at xor@hermetix.org informs me:

“You are the perfect moral argument for abortion. If you were black, you’d be the perfect moral argument for lynching, and if you were Jewish, you’d be the perfect moral argument for Auschwitz.”

Emails like this simply reinforce all my views, among them the fact that I am obviously so much happier, more intelligent and more successful than my enemies.

Thanks, dude! You made my day.

At the Corner, Steyn writes:

“I tremble to return to the subject of the Frost family, if only because so many e-mailers in the 72 hours seem to confuse a debate on health care with an analysis of my sexual inadequacy and the accommodational capacity of my posterior.”

I, on the other hand, welcome email speculation concerning myself and the, er, latter subject.

The more detailed, the better.

PS: mention what you’re wearing…