5 Feet of Fury

Hate mail is fun!

What a hateful fucking cunt you are! I wouldn’t piss on you if you were in flames. Drop fucking dead. Very truly yours…”, writes dabston@yahoo.com

Same stuff over at this blog, where angry lefties substitute unimaginative synonyms for “bitch” and Psych 101 jargon for actual facts and arguments.

(They also may want to rethink referring to Mark Steyn as a “child molester”, but I’m not his attorney…)

No one disputes any of the statistics I linked to, because they didn’t read the articles. In typical fashion, they merely quote me (and Steyn) then go, “See!”

Well yeah, you’d be surprised at how many people do “see” that the poverty industry is b.s.:

“your post is a great distillation of The Bell Curve, Theodore Dalrymple, and old fashioned common sense.  Most of those ” poverty advocates” are completely self serving self important jerks.  If they really wanted to help the genuinely poor, they would join the Missionaries of Charity. But they won’t do that because then they can’t be obnoxious and self important and they would have to actually work for a living.  The point they miss is that even 50 years ago, you could go to the church and get something to eat, but you’d be told to stop acting like a whore, or to stop drinking, or to get off your ass and do something.  Like you I have “poor” Family members,  without exception every single one of my family members who’s poor: drinks to excess, smokes, does other drugs has had illegitimate kids, been divorced, often more than once, has not pursued education in a meaningful way, and constantly bitches about how the world is out to get them and that they have “bad luck”.   Mother Teresa didn’t pull any punches when it came to telling people to straighten up and fly right,  but she also loved people, lived with them and generally didn’t attend  conferences in fancy hotels about “the poverty problem”, she just did something about it.  The plain fact is that most “poor” people are simply not very smart and need the moral guidance that a Christian society and active membership in a church provide.  The kind of guidance that can only be provided by genuine tough love, like the Saints, like Jesus.  This would require Lefties to stop being lefties and get jobs, so they won’t do that, but thank you for pointing it out anyway.”

One commenter is obsessed with the fact that I was on disability during my big lupus flare up. Which is true. I was actually disabled, i.e. couldn’t get out of bed for more than an hour or two a day. That’s what government disability is supposed to be for, not the able bodied people who are on it.

I hated myself every single second and got off the rolls as soon as I could, in 1995. I’ve worked ever since and paid back every cent in taxes, many times over.

Was all my health care “free”? Yep, this is Canada. Again, my tax dollars at work.

However, if Canada didn’t have “free” health care, or if I had been born in America, I would have simply started paying private insurance premiums as early as possible. That’s the kind of person I am. If you’re not, well, that’s your problem, not mine.

Knowing my mother, she would have gotten me a plan as a kid. I’ve had a funeral plot since the day I was born (thanks mom for paying the big $50 for that forty three years ago), a bank account since age 8 (how do people not have bank accounts for chrissakes?), a will since I was 19. You get the idea. My mother was a thrice-married high school drop out and even she managed to be pragmatic, a word she’d never be able to spell or define. What’s your excuse?

So I would have purchased private health insurance as a matter of course if it had been a societal expectation and requirement.

But it wasn’t and I couldn’t so I didn’t.

If the government wants to send me a bill for the treatment I received for lupus, which amounted to visiting doctors who sighed helplessly and wrote perscriptions, one of which eventually worked, then they have my address. I would be delighted to write them a cheque, but again, I think they’ve gotten their money back with my 40% in taxes.

That’s the difference between me and someone who thinks they deserve “free” stuff because they’d rather spend their money on other things.