5 Feet of Fury

Is imaginary racism the only kind left?

Forget those two or three nooses hung (empty ones) from a tree that isn’t there anymore (and forget too that blacks are prone and apparently quite pleased to sit with blacks, and whites with whites, and Asians with Asians, in almost every cafeteria & like gathering place in North America, with or without a tree), it appears that the two biggest problems facing black Americans today are a) not getting hired by Google and b) having the wrong hairdos in the Glamour magazine offices (which would seem to indicate that they at least work there. Whew!)

Maybe Google could take its cue from metropolitan do-gooders everywhere and start hosting midnight basketball.  Or change its hiring requirements to exclude “acting white” stuff like “good grades in math.” And the ex- Glamour gal can swap notes on “nappyheadedness” with Don Imus on his new show. (Did you ever doubt he’d get one? If his first guest isn’t Al Sharpton, I’ll…)

Otherwise, I got nuthin. Someone please reanimate Martin Luther King Jr. before the nation implodes with hatred and injustice.

Personally, I’m more amazed that Glamour hired a woman who weighed 167 pounds, which is a hundred pounds more than the average New York female. Too bad she’s out of a job, while the person who wrote the last paragraph of this post remains employed. “And lots worse”!