5 Feet of Fury

Martin, Lewis & Arbuckle: or, save time & money — get a film critic for a friend…

ME: RE Where The Truth Lies. You must have seen this Egoyan flick for work. For obvious reasons I’m intrigued by the story line, but the casting seems utterly bizarre. Was it watchable?

CRITIC: Oh, lord. It was dreadful. Unpleasant, thrill-less viewing, even by Atom’s standards. Harder than usual to sympathize for any single character in the whole story, though it did reveal more than ever before about Atom’s personal kinks, not that I really wanted to know.

ME:  I figured Exotica was the ultimate kink revelation for him.

[WTTL]  sounds like it could have been so entertaining, too bad. Again, I would have cast two different guys. I love both those actors [Bacon almost rescued JFK with his brief prison bit] but jesus Colin Firth/Frith whatever as part of a comedy team?? Has Firth/Frith ever smiled in real life or on film? I wouldn’t be willing to swear in a court of law that he even has teeth, cute as he is and all…

Movie seems less like Lewis and martin and more like that cringe inducing tuxedoed American/Belgian team that SCTV used to make fun of.

I finally made myself sit through the Sweet Hereafter (hell, we helped pay for it, right?) mostly because i thought: a school bus crash? Woo-hoo!! Leave it to Atom E. to make a bus crash boring. It was the japanese tea ceremony of bus crashes.