5 Feet of Fury

I need a cigarette…

The self-regarding nature of so-called literary spats is such that it is usually best to ignore them: but the notion that the ‘marxist’ professor Terry Eagleton should attack Martin Amis over his quite sensible dislike of militant Islam is too preposterous to let pass. In a civilised country Mr Eagleton would be a manual worker, a role in which he could make a useful contribution to society and be prevented from warping the minds of young people.


“He insults Mr Amis by comparing him with a ‘BNP thug’ – an expensive libel if ever I heard one – and with his father, Kingsley. Amis pere is dead and cannot sue, and so is branded homophobic, racist and drink-sodden. Amis was also clever and entertaining, things Mr Eagleton can only ever dream of being. I hope Amis fils will not take this bigoted abuse lying down.”