5 Feet of Fury

From our bulging “Go Back Where You Came From” files:

A Toronto mosque is telling Muslims not to say ‘Happy Thanksgiving’ or invite friends into their homes for turkey dinner on the holiday weekend.


“In 2003, the Khalid mosque, which mainly serves the Toronto Somali-Canadian community, apologized for a newsletter that compared wishing someone a Merry Christmas to congratulating a murderer.

“At the time, a junior employee was blamed for the slight, but the mosque’s Web site has since posted similar edicts covering not only Christmas but also virtually every other Western celebration.


Also banned, it says, are: watching sports or soap operas, walking dogs, family photos, wedding bands, Western hats, mingling and shaking hands with the opposite sex. [but slicing off your daughter’s twat is totally cool! ed.]


“The Web site also has a question-and-answer section, which advises that Muslims can join political parties only if they are ‘able to exert some influence on the direction of the party so that it will take an Islamic direction.’

“Elsewhere in the Q&A section, it says that, ‘with strong determination and patience, the world will God-willing be under the Muslims’ control.'”