5 Feet of Fury

“Your a racist bigot with a head full of shit, at least muslims don’t massacer innocent children and infants!”

So here is the problem, when I repeat what Muslims websites themselves recognize categorically that Islam oppresses women, I get comments calling me a racist, bigot, Islamaphobe, whatever. Perhaps when Muslim women read these same websites their eyes deny what they themselves read, much as some battered wives refuse to see themselves as abused women.

“Indeed, the comment my reader left, ‘Muslim women wear hijab because they want to be seen as a person not a sex object!’ is quite laughable in light of the recent reports in Iran that women wear the hijab because they will be beaten senseless if they do not and because there are Imams who declare that women who do not wear the hijab are like juicy steak and have themselves to blame if they are raped. That is why Muslim women wear veils, to avoid being beaten or raped. You are in denial, so spare me the lectures.”