5 Feet of Fury

“Let’s start looking at this by analyzing why the US violent crime rate is half ours”

“On the face of it, this makes no sense. American inner cities have more fatherless black males than ours do and more gang members from Central America. There should be more violent crime, not less. (…)

“All this comes from one event, the Ecole Polytechnique shooting of 14 women on Dec. 6, 1989 by Marc Lepine, born Gamil Gharbi, the son of a Muslim immigrant to Canada from Algeria. The young Marc got a good dose of misogynistic violence by watching his father beat up his mother, something condoned by Islam, and he played out his anti-female fantasies in a massacre.

“The entire Canadian anti-gun movement was created in that incident. Unlike in Israel where teachers and parents responded to a school shooting by carrying weapons to school, the Montreal teachers and students responded by calling for all weapons to be banned. The error they made in their thinking is the one mentioned above. To them, guns were a stand-in for violence. To ban guns is to ban violence. So ban guns. This is such bad logic that it makes the head spin. The very guns they called the government to ban were the ones that — had they been carried and used by the women involved — could have prevented the crime (…)

“Indeed the one specific item in the Firearms Act that limits women’s rights is the ban on small, purse-size weapons, such as 32 caliber pistols. These are easy for women to handle and are now illegal. Does this make sense?”