5 Feet of Fury

Best call to right wing talk radio ever?

Black folk, I’m tired of them, too, because we jumping on bandwagons that don’t even matter.  If you talk to the average black man, he don’t want to talk about politics. It don’t matter.  If you ask them what’s going on, they can’t tell you, but they want stuff to happen.  The Mexicans are coming together and they are getting stuff done.  The black man is left on the totem pole.  I don’t know where he’s at no more.  I can’t even say where we’re gonna go, Rush.  We don’t get the pants off our kids’ butts, we walk around looking stupid, but we want somebody to hire us?  Rush, come on, man! Jesse, all them, they keep the black folk down.  I don’t know why black men keep thinking Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are the best thing since glue!

“Man! If these black folks don’t wake up they’re going to be lost in the shuffle, baby, and I’m tired of it, baby.  I got a son coming up and I’m schooling him every moment I’m awake because, I’m telling you, if we don’t take America back, they’re gonna kill us, man! They got our prayers out of the schools: ‘God’ and ‘trust’ off the money.  How are these politicians letting this happen?  American people, you better wake up, get these suckers outta office and we gotta get somebody into this that’ll quit lying to us.  Black folk let them come in their churches and lie to them.  Then in the churches, they sell ’em. They ain’t giving the black folks… Man, these people gotta wake up.

“I’m sorry, sir. I’m sorry, but it’s time for America to get mad!  I’m tired of all this crazy crap, Rush. You’re doing your best, but I’m going to tell you, Rush, it’s only three of you: you, Hannity, and Savage. You’re the only ones saving the world, man, and you all need to come together and get these people together, and let’s overcome this government and get this stuff on the road, man.  That’s the only way it’s going to happen, Rush — and I’m sorry, sir.  I just had to get it out.”

BTW: I cry during every movie and by “every movie” I mean Galaxy Quest. And Independence Day, which I am now watching for the 70 gajillionth time. And rather than being distracted yet again by the unlikely spectacle of a black family owning a Golden Retriever, it dawns on me only today that, having already had a four-year-old son, it takes an alien invasion for the black couple to finally get married…

Also: who else watched 48 Hours last night, about that New York fashion editor who moved to Cape Cod, slept with every guy in town (married or not) under 75, purposely had a baby out of wedlock then got killed by the garbage man? Why is this sort of life considered “liberated”, exactly? Isn’t it hard to be liberated when you’ve got a knife in your chest?

UPDATE: his worthiness The Curt Jester corrects my recollection…

“After having watched Independence Day recently and also for the gazillionth time, Will Smith’s character had already bought the wedding ring prior to the invasion.  So while your ‘takes an alien invasion for the black couple to finally get married…; line is funny, it is not accurate.  But it did take an alien invasion to get the divorced white couple back together.”

I plead truthiness!