5 Feet of Fury

Coren calls 9/11 conspiracy theories stupid, sinister — and racist

“On the one hand, it is argued, even from within the Arab world, Arabs couldn’t plan and perpetrate something so complex. Or that Islam and the Arab culture is incapable of producing such sadistic people.

“Really? I refer you to the legions of beheaded people, including children, slaughtered by Arab Muslim gangs.

“The other claw of this salivating creature tears away at the Jews. It was they who were behind it and all Jewish people were told to stay away from the World Trade Center on the day of the attack.

“Which can only mean that all of those many Jewish names on the list of the dead must belong to Irishmen with an identity crisis.

“As with so much that is tainted, it is not new…”


“The credulous and the gullible are having their day.

“They are deviants, moral worms, intellectual midgets, practitioners of political self-abuse, with the wit of a circus clown, the subtlety of a sledgehammer and the credibility of a gangster.

“But they influence others and they shame the memory of the fallen and the efforts of the brave. For that they should fall to their knees and weep.”

I have to disagree with Coren on one thing: Arabs display  rare self-awareness with the “we’re too backward to pull this off” line. And we need to encourage such self-criticism.